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A ''thank you'' letter from Zambia

It is always so touching when we get letters of thanks from people who have received tools from us. It really makes you appreciate just how hard-working the recipients are, and how transformative the tools have been. We recently received such a letter from Pastor Davies Chibwe in Luapula, Zambia. This kind of transformation is possible thanks to all of our donors and supporters.

The Luapula Tailoring Workshop run by Pastor Davies Chibwe

''Dear Friends,

I just want to share my great appreciation for your support. The tools we have received have changed the lives of many vulnerable people in our province of Luapula. 90% of our people are in great poverty and cannot even afford to have two meals a day. They need their lives to be changed through tools and skills empowerment.

I decided I could meet this need when I learned about TWAM at a Pastors' Fellowship meeting. I heard how TWAM tools had made skills training and employment possible, so I applied to TWAM, and after a year, I received the tools that I needed to start a skills centre with just a small number of people.

Pastor Davies Chibwe outside the Luapula Training Centre

I decided I should do this, rather than let someone else meet the needs, because we must learn to believe in ourselves and be confident that if we are united and work in partnership with TWAM, we can change the lives of vulnerable people.

Working together, we have met a lot of needs by introducing mobile training programmes to reach the most remote areas. We have been able to set up two skills training centres in our main towns of Samfya and Mansa. All of this has allowed vulnerable people to access our training programmes, and since we started in 2016, we have trained over 600 people.

Other challenges of the community we want to help are to make sure all unemployed youths are empowered with skills and tools. In partnership with the Zambian government, we have opened the Luapula Skills Training Centre for 400 students. With the help of TWAM, we have achieved this - our biggest vision.

In conclusion, I can't forget to be grateful for everyone in the UK who has supported us by donating to TWAM. I say: thank you very much!''

-Pastor Davies Chibwe


Pastor Davies has been able to achieve so much with the tools that he has received thanks to a meeting of local church leaders where he heard about TWAM. He has directly helped over 600 vulnerable people, and he indirectly helped thousands more by setting up local TWAM teams across his province.

It is truly remarkable what can be achieved with your support. It enables people like Pastor Davies to achieve amazing results and impact their communities for good.

If you'd like to support an organisation like the Luapula Training Centre, please consider making a donation. Just £25 would cover the costs of collecting, refurbishing, and packing a sewing machine, ready to be sent to an African skills training centre where it will have such an extraordinary impact.


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We take a wide variety of tools. Click the button above for the full list of accepted tools, and to find your nearest local collector or drop-off point.

Our work is mostly done by volunteers, whether that's driving around collecting tools, refurbishing them, or helping out in the office. Have a look at our roles.

Support our work by covering the costs involved with putting together a tool kit, as a donation, or an alternative gift on behalf of a loved one.

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