Giving at no cost
There are some great ways to support TWAM that will cost you nothing. Please see the options below and sign up if you can.

Sign up to easyfundraising and donate to TWAM for free when you shop online
Did you know that whenever you buy anything online – from your weekly shop to your annual holiday – you could be raising free donations for Tools with a Mission with easyfundraising?
There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation – including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S – and it won’t cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.
All you need to do is:
1. Click here and join for free.
2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
3. After you’ve checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Tools with a Mission at no extra cost to you whatsoever!
There are no catches or hidden charges and Tools with a Mission will be really grateful for your donations.
Thank you for your support.

Got any old stamps and coins?
TWAM has teamed up with Xchange-Master to collect used and old stamps and coins to help raise funds for our work. It is really simple for individuals, churches, community halls and groups to use.
1. Simply contact Xchange-Master direct by phone or email:
Telephone: 0141 328 9357
Email: twam@xchange-master.co.uk
2. They will send you a pack containing a box, a Freepost return envelope and all instructions.
3. Post your stamps and coins to them, and they will sell them and send a proportion of the money raised to TWAM.
Got an old car, bike or van to donate?
If you have a car, bike or van you don’t want the hassle of selling or just want it to go to a good cause, TWAM would love to have it. It is so simple, you contact Give a car directly either by filling in their online donation form or calling them on 020 7736 4242. Once they have confirmed your details, they will organise for one of their collection partners to call you. They will arrange a suitable time with you to collect your vehicle. They aim to have your vehicle collected within seven working days.
The aim is to raise funds for TWAM and once sold the money less an admin fee of between 25-30% will be sent to us. They have nearly raised over £3.5 million for charity and every vehicle is worth something. Giveacar provides an easy way for people to remove a car and raise money for a good cause, and at no cost to you.
We at TWAM are very aware that times are difficult for many and are always amazed at the generosity of our supporters, so we are always seeking out alternative methods for people to 'give at no cost'.
Vintage Cash Cow is a platform for selling vintage items (including broken, disused, and unwanted items). The service is quick, free, and easy to use:
Start by packing your unwanted items into a box (there is a list online of what they will and won't take)
Call them on their freephone number (0800 246 1111) or go online (vintagecashcow.co.uk) and get a free postal label (and insurance)
Send them to Vintage Cash Cow. Either take the box to the post office or get it collected directly from your home
Wait for their no-obligation call with an offer of cash for your items within 3-5 working days.
The money you receive, or part of it, can be donated to TWAM
Once you have submitted a box and received your money, you can also refer a friend. If you do so, you (and they) will receive a £20 bonus. This can be taken in a number of ways, but one of the options is to nominate paying it to a charity.
A number of us have tried the process already and found it very straightforward, raising £90 with lots of old items that had been left lying around.