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TWAM worked in Tanzania for many years, but due to problems beyond our control, we decided to temporarily cease operations in 2019 until we were able to identify an in-country partner to receive our containers, distribute the tools, and work with the applicants and recipients of our tools.


A partner was identified in 2022, and the first container for five years was shipped in September 2024. The long-term aim is to send 2-3 containers to Tanzania per year. The location of the partner near the Kenyan border will also mean Kenyan applicants will benefit from our return to Tanzania by being able to easily collect tools and take them back to their own country.

Why we work in Tanzania



Tanzania, with over 62,000,000 people, has the largest population in East Africa and the lowest population density; almost a third of the population is urban. About two-thirds of the population is under 25.


Tanzania suffers from water pollution; improper management of liquid waste and indoor air pollution caused by the burning of wood or charcoal for cooking and heating. The reliance on wood has also led to soil degradation, deforestation and desertification. This contributes to severe localised food insecurity, and due to localised shortfalls in staple food production, over half a million people were estimated to be in need of humanitarian assistance between May and September 2022, mainly located in northeastern regions.




0-14 years:     42.7% 
15-24 years:   20.39%
25-54 years:   30.31%
55-64 years:   3.52% 
65+ years:      3.08% 


Compared to the UK:


0-14 years:     17.63%

15-24 years:   11.49%

25-54 years:   39.67%

55-64 years:   12.73%

65+ years:      18.48%

Tanzania has achieved high growth rates based on its vast natural resource wealth and tourism. However, this has not benefited the vast majority of the population, with about 65% employed or reliant on agriculture. Around 25% of the population are living below the poverty line.


Skills training and the provision of tools replaces reliance on agriculture and removes the economic threat posed by climate change. It is therefore vital that TWAM develops its long term sustainable work in Tanzania.


All country statistics, information and maps are reproduced with the help of the CIA World Factbook.

What we do

Tools with a Mission aims to send one 20 foot container packed with around 700 tool kits and sewing machines in 2023. It is hoped this will increase to 2-3 containers by the end of 2024 with the potential to reach 4 containers annually by 2025.  With a long history of working in Tanzania, we expect to receive many applications for tools since the application process opened in January 2023.


The difference we make

Tools with a Mission supports local charities, set up by local people to work with local communities across Tanzania. Once our first container has arrived, we will place inspiring stories of transformed lives on this page.

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