Christmas Appeal
The 10 poorest countries in the world are all in Africa
Your Christmas Gift can help to change this
Your Christmas Gift will put life-transforming tools into the hands of someone completing their training.
We can't transform whole countries, but we can change the lives of hundreds of people struggling to survive. The tools that you gift this Christmas will help:
Edith, a young widow, to put food on the table for her three children and ensure they go to school.
Wesley to get his first job as a trained builder and give his wife and two children a secure future for the first time.
Peter, his wife, and children to get their first home and leave his parents' house.
Brenda to earn enough money to ensure she doesn't have to choose between food or medicine for her children
Your Christmas message of love and value
When you're poor, the struggle is not just to survive, but also the lack of value, respect, and self-worth. This is why your simple Christmas message means so much. When you make a gift, you will have the option to leave a message which will be put inside your chosen toolkit for the recipient to read when they receive it.
You can write this message at the time of donation (please click "Write a comment" on the donation form if you wish to gift a kit that is not listed - the values are listed below) or send an email to post@twam.uk stating your name, postcode, the kits you have given, and your messages which we will handwrite for you. You may write anything you like, including Bible verses and prayers, but please do not include any personal details except your first name and/or surname.
There is no obligation to leave a message if you do not wish to. Below is the slip that will be filled in and put inside the toolkit.

Toolkit Values
Your donation will cover the costs of collecting, refurbishing, and packing all the tools for a toolkit. We have put our most popular kits on the donation form above, but if you wish to gift a kit listed below, simply donate a custom amount, and leave your desired kit (and custom message if desired) as a comment. You can also simply make a donation of any amount that you wish.
£25 - sewing machine
£40 - carpentry kit
£35 - mechanic's kit
£45 - builder's kit
£20 - plumber's kit
£10 - sewing kit
£240 - carpentry workshop kit
£110 - mechanic's workshop kit
£20 - agricultural kit
Other ways to donate

Donate by post
Cheques, postal orders, charity vouchers, and standing order forms can be sent to:
Tools with a Mission
2 Bailey Close
Hadleigh Road Industrial Estate

Direct bank deposit
You can also pay directly into our bank account:​
Barclays Bank Ltd.
Account no. 33190994
Sort code 20-44-51
We would love to acknowledge your BACS donation so please send us your contact details, amount donated and date of donation via email or post when you've donated directly via BACS.

Donate by phone
You can ring us to donate by debit or credit card.
Our number is 01473 210220 and our office is open 9.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday.
Christmas Store
We have a Christmas store where you can buy many Christmas-related items and gifts such as:
2024 calendar full of photos of people whose lives have been transformed by tools
Alternative Christmas gifts allowing you to buy a toolkit for a vulnerable person on behalf of a loved one
Christmas cards designed by our team